For Power Users: Editing your stockfx.ini

You can modify your stock PARIS effects at an extremely low level by tweaking the text file "stockfx.ini" in your PARIS folder. It's already been modified by users to provide things like mono insert choruses and customized compressor meters, but there's vast unexplored potential in there. If you patch stockfx.ini, consider posting your patches here.

Courtesy of Matt Craig, here's an example of how to make plate, room and non-linear reverbs and tap delay all available as mono inserts in a mixer channel:

For those who want the existing reverbs to be available as mono inserts,
open stockfx.ini in a text editor (e.g. notepad). This file is in
c:\windows\system32\ensoniq\plugins on XP (and ME I think), and in
c:\windows\system\ensoniq\plugins on older Win OSs. Not sure where it is on
a mac - sherlock will tell you.

Add the following lines of text AFTER THE LAST LINE already in the file:

; Extra mono patches for the existing reverbs. Remove lines from here to
; the bottom of the file if things go pear-shaped.
patch ePlatePatch2
  box espPlateBox plateBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm in   { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Plate Rev"
shortTitle:"Plate" dline:"Plate"  bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box plateBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eSmroomPatch2
  box espSmroomBox smroomBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Room Rev"
shortTitle:"Room" dline:"Room"  bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box smroomBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eNonlinPatch2
  box espNonlinBox nonlinBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Non Lin Rev"
shortTitle:"NonLin" dline:"Nonlin"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box nonlinBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }


Have fun,


Almost forgot this one. Add this at the bottom of stockfx.ini to get a mono
tap delay in the insert menu. The mono output is just the left channel of
the normal stereo output, so you will need to pan taps left to hear them:

; Mono tapped delay patch
patch eTappedPatch2
  box espTappedBox tappedBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm in   { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Tap Delay"
shortTitle:"TapDly" dline:"Tapped Delay" bgPattern:patchBg }
	box tappedBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

Here's Brian Carter's mod to the EDS compressor meters.

Re: EDS Comp Meter Behavior Mod - stockFx.ini (1/1)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 07:53:52 -0500
From: Brian Carter <>

> If there's any interest out there let me know and I'll post
> stockfx.ini as an attachment and you can give it a try...

Aw, heck... I can't help it-- here it is attached to this post.

Give it a try!



vendor  = "Ensoniq"

bitmap  = plugBits    "plugbits5"     getPalette

bmEle   = slider1     plugBits  172   91    0    0    0    0
bmEle   = knob1       plugBits    5  195  137  240   36   24 
bmEle   = knob2       plugBits   25  201   58  236   16   18
bmEle   = knobInc1    plugBits    5  199   24  217  328  -60
bmEle   = knobDec1    plugBits    5  219   24  237  328  -80
bmEle   = knobEditBg  plugBits   57  208  136  229   52   13
bmEle   = incBtn      plugBits  137  125  159  143    0   19
bmEle   = decBtn      plugBits  116  125  138  143    0   19
bmEle   = incDec      plugBits  116  125  159  143    0   19
bmEle   = radioBtn2   plugBits   29  125   49  175   24    0
bmEle   = radioBtn4   plugBits  172    2  193   88   24    0
bmEle   = radioBtn6   plugBits   29    2   49  119   24    0
bmEle   = pushBtnRed  plugBits  255  139  278  161   26    0
bmEle   = pushBtnBlu  plugBits  255  139  278  161   52    0
bmEle   = vLedMeter   plugBits    4    2   14  190   11    0
bmEle   = hLedMeter1  plugBits  172  209  360  221    0   12
bmEle   = hLedMeter2  plugBits  172  209  360  221    0   23
bmEle   = rectBtn1    plugBits  172  164  209  190   39    0
bmEle   = rectBtn2    plugBits  250  164  287  184    0   22
bmEle   = rectBtn3    plugBits  289  164  313  184    0   22
bmEle   = input_dB    plugBits   76  163  133  177    0    0
bmEle   = output_dB   plugBits  156  169  170  235    0    0
bmEle   = time_ms     plugBits   76  179  134  193    0    0
bmEle   = ddl_tap     plugBits  139  185  153  235    0    0
bmEle   = lev_tap     plugBits  172  192  244  206    0    0

bmEle   = saveBtn     plugBits  366  161  389  184   25    0
bmEle   = saveAsBtn   plugBits  366  186  389  209   25    0
bmEle   = helpBtn     plugBits  366  211  390  235   25    0
bmEle   = compBtn     plugBits  366  236  389  259   25    0
bmEle   = viewBtn     plugBits  366  261  390  285   25    0
bmEle   = arrowBtn    plugBits  366  311  389  334   25    0
bmEle   = editBtn     plugBits  283  245  307  269   25    0
bmEle   = loadBtn     plugBits  283  295  306  318   25    0

bmEle   = lArrowBtn   plugBits  450  180  486  208    0   31
bmEle   = rArrowBtn   plugBits  450   82  486  110    0   31
bmEle   = uArrowBtn   plugBits   99  293  127  329   31    0
bmEle   = dArrowBtn   plugBits    6  293   34  329   31    0

bmEle   = dGrArrowBtn plugBits  442  298  471  333   31    0
bmEle   = uGrArrowBtn plugBits  535  298  564  333   31    0

bmEle   = projectBm   plugBits  450  273  482  340    0    0
bmEle   = libraryBm   plugBits  485  273  517  340    0    0
bmEle   = blankBtn    plugBits  486    4  540   23    0   19
bmEle   = blankBtn2   plugBits  583  136  626  157    0   21
bmEle   = squareBtn   plugBits  194  313  210  339    2    0
bmEle   = scrollBlk   plugBits  495  201  512  218   18    0 
bmEle   = scrollThumb plugBits  495      237  512  254    0   18
bmEle   = redTarget   plugBits  258  308  267  317    0    0
bmEle   = stem0       plugBits  574    8  577  146    0    0

; bmEle   = smroomFD    smroom      0    0  626  192    0    0
bmEle   = smroomFD    plugBits    2  349  627  540    0    0
; bmEle   = smroomBW    smroom   94   73  170  118  -94  121
; bmEle   = smroomPD    smroom  185   73  261  118 -107  121
; bmEle   = smroomER    smroom  276   73  381  118 -120  121
; bmEle   = smroomREV   smroom  427   73  503  118 -164  121
color   = parisBg0    231 214 181  ; standard background
color   = parisBg1    247 239 198  ; LT boarder, width = 1
color   = parisBg2    239 222 189  ; LT 3D edge, width = 2
color   = parisBg3    206 189 140  ; RB 3D edge, width = 2
color   = parisBg4    156 132 107  ; RB boarder, width = 1

color   = black         0   0   0
color   = gray        128 128 128
color   = ltGray      255 255 128
color   = white       255 255 255
color   = dkBrn        74  57   0
color   = ltBrn       247 239 198
color   = ltTan       248 243 218
color   = red         255   0   0
color   = green         0 255   0 
color   = blue          0   0 255
color   = ltBlue      128 255 255
color   = fluorescent   0 255 255
color   = targetRed   170   0   0
color   = targetOrg   255  74   0
color   = targetGrn     0 140   0
color   = targetBlu     0  57 132

font    = ctlFont0    "Helvetica"       10  dkBrn
font    = ctlFont1    "Helvetica"       10  ltTan
font    = ctlFont2    "Courier New" 10  dkBrn
font    = ctlFont3    "Courier New" 10  ltTan
font    = knobLbl0    "Helvetica"       12  dkBrn
font    = knobLbl1    "Helvetica"       12  ltTan
font    = knobNum0    "Helvetica"       12  fluorescent
font    = knobNum1    "Helvetica"       12  ltTan
font    = editFont0   "Chicago"     12  black
font    = ddlTap1     "Helvetica"       12  targetRed 
font    = ddlTap2     "Helvetica"       12  targetOrg 
font    = ddlTap3     "Helvetica"       12  targetGrn 
font    = ddlTap4     "Helvetica"       12  targetBlu 
font    = bttnFont0   "Helvetica"       12  black
font    = bttnFont10  "Helvetica"       12  128 128 128

pattern = gray        gray
pattern = green       green
pattern = black       black
pattern = white       white
pattern = ltGray      180 180 180
pattern = knobEditBg  gray
pattern = knobBg      parisBg0
pattern = boxBg       parisBg0
pattern = patchBg     parisBg0

[ libs ]
boxInstDll  = "stockFx.dll"      
parmDll     = "prm0.dll"        ; library of plug in parameter types
visCtlDll   = "aVC.dll"         ; library of visual controls
boxUIDll    = "aUIBox2.dll"     ; library of Chip's box ui's  
patchUIDll  = "aUIPch.dll"      ; library of patch ui's

parm espPort    espInPort       { inPort:1  }
parm espPort    espOutPort      { outPort:1 }
parm iscalar    bool            { min:0         max:1           dflt:0      ctr:0 }
parm fscalar    float           { min:-32768.0  max:32767.0     dflt:0      ctr:0 }
parm iscalar    integer         { min:0         max:2147483647  dflt:0      ctr:0 }

[vc ]
parm top_knob   alVCSlider      fscalar { w:260  h:40  sl_l:100  sl_t:2   sl_w:100  range:100
nl_l:202  nl_t:2   nl_w:50  nl_h:15  lbl_l:4   lbl_t:2   bgPattern:knobBg  }
parm bot_knob   alVCSlider      fscalar { w:260  h:40  sl_l:1    sl_t:23  sl_w:249  range:100
nl_l:200  nl_t:2   nl_w:50  nl_h:15  lbl_l:4   lbl_t:2   bgPattern:knobBg  }

parm rot_knob   alVCKnob        fscalar { w:136  h:47  sl_l:20  sl_t:2  range:270  nl_l:56
nl_t:20  lbl_l:58  lbl_t:12  inc_l:1  inc_t:1  dec_l:1  dec_t:20 
										ctrlH:knob1   knobH:knob2  editH:knobEditBg
incH:knobInc1  decH:knobDec1  
editBG:knobEditBg  editFont0:knobNum0  editFont1:knobNum1 labelFont0:knobLbl0
labelFont1:knobLbl1 }

parm rot_knob_TimeTable   alVCKnob        fscalar { w:136  h:47  sl_l:20  sl_t:2  range:270
nl_l:56  nl_t:20  lbl_l:58  lbl_t:12  inc_l:1  inc_t:1  dec_l:1  dec_t:20 
										ctrlH:knob1   knobH:knob2  editH:knobEditBg
incH:knobInc1  decH:knobDec1  
editBG:knobEditBg  editFont0:knobNum0  editFont1:knobNum1 labelFont0:knobLbl0
														tblMin:0.0  tbl:0.002   0.00002  5
										  tbl:0.01      0.0002   4  "Sec"
										  tbl:0.1       0.002   3  "Sec"
										  tbl:1.0       0.02   2  "Sec"
										  tbl:10.0      0.2   2  "Sec" }

parm rot_knob_rate alVCKnob fscalar { w:136  h:47  sl_l:20  sl_t:2  range:270  nl_l:56  nl_t:20
lbl_l:58  lbl_t:12  inc_l:1  inc_t:1  dec_l:1  dec_t:20 
	   ctrlH:knob1   knobH:knob2  editH:knobEditBg  incH:knobInc1  decH:knobDec1  
		ctrlBG:knobBg  editBG:knobEditBg  editFont0:knobNum0  editFont1:knobNum1
labelFont0:knobLbl0 labelFont1:knobLbl1
														tblMin:0.0  tbl:1.0    0.01  2  "Hz"
										  tbl:10.0   0.1   1  "Hz"
										  tbl:50.0  1.0   0  "Hz"}
parm rot_knob_freq alVCKnob fscalar { w:136  h:47  sl_l:20  sl_t:2  range:270  nl_l:56  nl_t:20
lbl_l:58  lbl_t:12  inc_l:1  inc_t:1  dec_l:1  dec_t:20 
	   ctrlH:knob1   knobH:knob2  editH:knobEditBg  incH:knobInc1  decH:knobDec1  
		ctrlBG:knobBg  editBG:knobEditBg  editFont0:knobNum0  editFont1:knobNum1
labelFont0:knobLbl0 labelFont1:knobLbl1
														tblMin:1.0  tbl:100.0    1.0  0  "Hz"
										  tbl:1000.0   10.   0  "Hz"
										  tbl:20000.0  100.   0  "Hz"}
parm pushBtn    alVCPushBtn     iscalar { w:82  h:25  bgPattern:knobBg  labelFont0:knobLbl0
										ctrlH:pushBtnRed  btn_l:1  btn_t:1  title_l:0
title_t:0  label_l:26  label_t:15 }

parm incDecBtn  alVCIncDecBtn   iscalar { w:43  h:18  bgPattern:knobBg  labelFont0:knobLbl0
										ctrlH:incDec  incH:incBtn  decH:decBtn  title_l:50
title_t:13  label_l:0  label_t:0 }

parm radioBtn   alVCRadioBtn    iscalar { bgPattern:knobBg  labelFont0:knobLbl0
labelFont1:knobLbl1 }

parm LEDMeter   alVCMeter       fscalar { bgPattern:knobBg  labelFont0:knobLbl0
										  ctrlH:hLedMeter1 w:283 h:16 tab:-1 revFl:0 
																	  title_l:5  title_t:11
meter_l:83 meter_t:2 

parm revLEDMeter alVCMeter     fscalar { bgPattern:knobBg  labelFont0:knobLbl0
										  ctrlH:hLedMeter1 w:283          h:45         tab:-1
title_t:33     meter_l:70   meter_t:25 
										  hashHPosn:70     hashVPosn:6    hashIncr:42
hashHOffset:10  hashVOffset:20 
hashLength:5   hashOnFl:1   hashLeftTopFl:1
hashIncrVal:4 hashDecPl:0

[ boxes]

box espCompBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort out
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-26.0  max:0.0    dflt:-26.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-16.0  max:0.0    dflt:-16.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-26.0  max:0.0    dflt:-26.0            }
  parm float      outlevel           { min:-16.0  max:25.0   dflt:3.2   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-22.0  ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      ratio              { min:1.0    max:100.0  dflt:2.0   ctr:2.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:1.0   dflt:0.016  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:2.0   dflt:0.070  ctr:0.070 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.000  ctr:0.0   }

  ui   alLayoutUIBox ui1             { w:466  h:340  title:"ESP Mono Compressor"
									   dline:"Compressor: mono-in, mono-out." toolBarOnFl:1
toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }

	parm thresVC  rot_knob threshold { l:10  t:60   tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level above which gain is reduced." }
	parm ratioVC  rot_knob ratio     { l:150  t:60  tab:1 title:"Ratio"      tblMin:1.0
tbl:3.0     0.05   2  ":1"
0.50   1  ":1"
2.0    0  ":1"
20.0   0  ":1"
									   dline:"Controls the ratio of input level to output level
during compression." }
;    parm vc3      rot_knob attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"     range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
;                                       dline:"Controls how fast the compressor responds to
peaks." }
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the compressor responds to
peaks." }
 ;   parm vc4      rot_knob release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"    range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
 ;                                      dline:"Controls how fast the compressor recovers from
peaks." }
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the compressor recovers from
peaks." }
	parm vc5      rot_knob lookahead { l:10  t:180  tab:4 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces overshoot by delaying the audio around
the sidechain." }

	parm vc0      rot_knob outlevel  { l:150  t:180 tab:5  title:"Output"     range:1450
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Adjusts the gain at the output stage; makes up
for gain lost during compression." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter  { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Compressor gain reduction." }

box espExpndBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort out
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-36.0  max:0.0    dflt:-36.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outlevel           { min:-96.0  max:48.0   dflt:0.0    ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-22.0  ctr:-22.0   }
  parm float      ratio              { min:0.033  max:1.0    dflt:0.33   ctr:1.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:1.0   dflt:0.001  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:1.0   dflt:0.025  ctr:0.025 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.001  ctr:0.0   }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1               { title:"ESP Mono Expander"  rightBorder:6  
									   dline:"Expander: mono-in, mono-out." toolBarOnFl:1
toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }
	parm thresVC  rot_knob threshold { l:10  t:60   tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level below which gain is reduced." }
	parm ratioVC  rot_knob ratio     { l:150  t:60  tab:1 title:"Ratio"      range:967
									   dline:"Controls the ratio of input level to output level
during expansion." }
;    parm vc3      rot_knob attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"     range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the expander responds to
peaks." }
;    parm vc4      rot_knob release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3 title:"Release"    range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the expander recovers from
peaks." }
	parm vc5      rot_knob lookahead { l:10  t:180  tab:4 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces loss of attack transients by delaying the
audio around the sidechain." }

	parm vc0      rot_knob outlevel  { l:150  t:180 tab:5 title:"Output"     range:1450
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Adjusts the gain at the output stage." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Expander gain." }



box espGateBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort out
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-48.0  ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      hysteresis         { min:0.0    max:96.0   dflt:6.0   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      range              { min:0.0    max:96.0   dflt:96.0   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.001  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.100  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      hold               { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.006  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.001  ctr:0.0   }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1               { w:466  h:375  title:"ESP Mono Gate"  rightBorder:6
									   dline:"Gate: mono-in, mono-out." toolBarOnFl:1
toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }

	parm thresVC rot_knob threshold  { l:150  t:6   tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level above which the gate opens." }
	parm vc1     rot_knob hysteresis { l:10   t:60  tab:1 title:"De-Chatter" range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the difference between the gate-open and
gate-close thresholds; reduces chatter." }
	parm rangeVC rot_knob range      { l:150  t:60  tab:2 title:"Range"      range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Controls the amount of gain reduction when the
gate is closed." }    
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the gate opens." }
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the gate closes." }
	parm vc5     rot_knob hold       { l:10   t:180  tab:5 title:"Hold"       range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Controls how long the audio must remain below the
gate-close threshold before the gate starts to close; reduces chatter." }
	parm vc6     rot_knob lookahead  { l:150  t:180  tab:6 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces loss of attack transients by delaying the
audio around the sidechain." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter  { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Expander gain." }



box espStCompBox
  parm espInPort  inL
  parm espInPort  inR
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outlevel           { min:-96.0  max:48.0   dflt:0.0   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-24.0  ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      ratio              { min:1.0    max:100.0  dflt:4.0   ctr:1.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.001  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.100  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.000  ctr:0.0   }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1               { w:466  h:340  title:"ESP Stereo Compressor"
									   dline:"Compressor: stereo-in, stereo-out."
toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }
	parm thresVC  rot_knob threshold { l:10  t:60   tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level above which gain is reduced." }
	parm ratioVC  rot_knob ratio     { l:150  t:60  tab:1 title:"Ratio"      tblMin:1.0
tbl:3.0     0.05   2  ":1"
0.50   1  ":1"
2.0    0  ":1"
20.0   0  ":1"
									   dline:"Controls the ratio of input level to output level
during compression." }
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the compressor responds to
peaks." }
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the compressor recovers from
peaks." }
	parm vc5      rot_knob lookahead { l:10  t:180  tab:4 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces overshoot by delaying the audio around
the sidechain." }

	parm vc0      rot_knob outlevel  { l:150  t:180 tab:5 title:"Output"     range:1450
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Adjusts the gain at the output stage; makes up
for gain lost during compression." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter   { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Expander gain." }



box espStExpndBox
  parm espInPort  inL
  parm espInPort  inR
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outlevel           { min:-96.0  max:48.0   dflt:0.0    ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-48.0  ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      ratio              { min:0.033  max:1.0    dflt:0.33   ctr:1.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.001  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.100  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.001  ctr:0.0   }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1               { w:466  h:340  title:"ESP Stereo Expander"  rightBorder:6
									   dline:"Expander: stereo-in, stereo-out." toolBarOnFl:1
toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }
	parm thresVC  rot_knob threshold { l:10   t:60  tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level below which gain is reduced." }
	parm ratioVC  rot_knob ratio     { l:150  t:60  tab:1 title:"Ratio"      range:967
									   dline:"Controls the ratio of input level to output level
during expansion." }
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the expander responds to
peaks." }
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the expander recovers from
peaks." }
	parm vc5      rot_knob lookahead { l:10   t:180 tab:4 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces loss of attack transients by delaying the
audio around the sidechain." }

	parm vc0      rot_knob outlevel  { l:150  t:180 tab:5 title:"Output"     range:1450
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Adjusts the gain at the output stage." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter  { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Expander gain." }



box espStGateBox
  parm espInPort  inL
  parm espInPort  inR
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      inMeter            { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      cmpMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      outMeter           { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-96.0            }
  parm float      threshold          { min:-96.0  max:0.0    dflt:-48.0  ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      hysteresis         { min:0.0    max:96.0   dflt:6.0   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      range              { min:0.0    max:96.0   dflt:96.0   ctr:0.0   }
  parm float      attack             { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.001  ctr:0.001 }
  parm float      release            { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.100  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      hold               { min:0.0    max:10.0   dflt:0.006  ctr:0.100 }
  parm float      lookahead          { min:0.0    max:0.020  dflt:0.001  ctr:0.0   }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1               { w:466  h:375  title:"ESP Stereo Gate"  rightBorder:6
									   dline:"Gate: stereo-in, stereo-out." toolBarOnFl:1
toolBarLeft:10 toolBarTop:10 toolBarWidth:136 }

	parm thresVC rot_knob threshold  { l:150  t:6   tab:0 title:"Threshold"  range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the level above which the gate opens." }
	parm vc1     rot_knob hysteresis { l:10  t:60   tab:1 title:"De-Chatter" range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Sets the difference between the gate-open and
gate-close thresholds; reduces chatter." }
	parm rangeVC rot_knob range      { l:150  t:60  tab:2  title:"Range"      range:970
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"
									   dline:"Controls the amount of gain reduction when the
gate is closed." }
	parm vc3      rot_knob_TimeTable attack    { l:10  t:120  tab:2 title:"Attack"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the gate opens." }
	parm vc4      rot_knob_TimeTable release   { l:150  t:120 tab:3  title:"Release"
									   dline:"Controls how fast the gate closes." }
	parm vc5     rot_knob hold       { l:10   t:180  tab:5 title:"Hold"       range:10001
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Controls how long the audio must remain below the
gate-close threshold before the gate starts to close; reduces chatter." }
	parm vc6     rot_knob lookahead  { l:150  t:180  tab:6 title:"Lookahead"  range:21
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"
									   dline:"Reduces loss of attack transients by delaying the
audio around the sidechain." }

	parm cmpMeterVc  revLEDMeter cmpMeter  { l:10 t:240 label:"dB Gain" title:"Reduction:"
dline:"Expander gain." }



box espChorusBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      mix                { min:0.0     max:100.0       dflt:100.0    ctr:50.0    }
  parm float      rate               { min:0.0     max:5000.0      dflt:0.25     ctr:1.0     }
  parm float      width              { min:0.0     max:50.0            dflt:3.0      ctr:25.0
  parm float      center             { min:0.0     max:50.0            dflt:12.0     ctr:25.0
  parm float      lrphase            { min:-180.0  max:180.0       dflt:90.0     ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      regen              { min:-100.0  max:100.0       dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lofreq             { min:0.0     max:20000.0     dflt:100      ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      lolevel            { min:-96.0   max:18.0            dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0
  parm float      hifreq             { min:0.0     max:20000.0     dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      hilevel            { min:-96.0   max:18.0            dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0
  parm integer    lfotic                 { min:0       max:2147483647  dflt:0        ctr:0

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui1  { w:700 h:100 title:"ESP Chorus" dline: "Chorus: mono-in, stereo-out."
												  toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:5 toolBarTop:5
toolBarWidth:270 bgPattern:boxBg }

		parm vc0       rot_knob mix      { l:5    t:40   title:"Mix"        range:101
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"% Wet"  tab:0   
									   dline:"Controls the proportion of chorused signal to dry

;    parm rateVC    rot_knob rate     { l:145  t:40    title:"Rate"       tblMin:0.0  tbl:10.0
0.01  2  "Hz"
;                                                                                    tbl:100.0
0.1   1  "Hz"
;                                                                                    tbl:5000.0
1.0   0  "Hz"
;                                       tab:1
;                                       dline:"Controls the sweep rate." }

	parm rateVC    rot_knob_rate     rate { l:145  t:40    title:"Rate"  tab:1
									   dline:"Controls the sweep rate." }
	parm widthVC   rot_knob width    { l:5    t:90   title:"Width"      range:5001
nl_decPl:2  unitsLbl:"ms"    tab:2
									   dline:"Controls the sweep width; larger values result in
more detuning (limited by the Center setting)." }
	parm centerVC  rot_knob center   { l:145  t:90   title:"Center"     range:5001
nl_decPl:2  unitsLbl:"ms"    tab:3
									   dline:"Controls the nominal delay; smaller values create
flanging effects when Mix is 50%." }
	parm lrphaseVC rot_knob lrphase  { l:5    t:140  title:"L/R Phase"  range:360
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"deg"    tab:4
									   dline:"Controls the stereo width by adjusting the phase
difference between left and right sweeps." }

	parm regenVC   rot_knob regen    { l:145  t:140  title:"Feedback"   range:201
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"%"      tab:5
									   dline:"Controls the amount of feedback." }

	parm vc5       rot_knob_freq        lofreq   { l:5    t:190  title:"Lo Freq"    tab:6
									   dline:"Controls the frequency of the low shelving EQ
that precedes the effect." }
	parm vc6       rot_knob lolevel  { l:145  t:190  title:"Lo Level"   range:1151
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"     tab:7
									   dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies below Lo Freq." }
	parm vc7       rot_knob_freq        hifreq   { l:5    t:240  title:"Hi Freq"    tab:8
									   dline:"Controls the frequency of the high shelving EQ
that precedes the effect." }
	parm vc8       rot_knob hilevel  { l:145  t:240  title:"Hi Level"   range:1151
nl_decPl:1  unitsLbl:"dB"     tab:9
									   dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies above Hi Freq." }


box espDdlBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort out
  parm float      lofreq        { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100      ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      lolevel       { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      hifreq        { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      hilevel       { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      delay         { min:0.0     max:0.100    dflt:0.065    ctr:0.050   }
  parm float      feedback      { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:00.0     ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      fblofreq      { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      fbhifreq      { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100.0    ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      mix           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:100.0    ctr:50.0    }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui0          { w:420  h:205  title:"ESP DDL"  dline:"DDL: mono-in,
mono-out."  bgPattern:boxBg
																  toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:5
toolBarTop:5 toolBarWidth:270 bottomBorder:20 }

	parm vc0 rot_knob delay     { l:5    t:50    title:"Delay"         range:101     nl_decPl:3
unitsLbl:"sec" tab:0
								  dline:"Sets the amount of delay." }
	parm vc1 rot_knob feedback  { l:145  t:50   title:"Feedback"      range:201     nl_decPl:0
unitsLbl:"%"   tab:1
								  dline:"Determines the number of repeats." }

	parm vc2 rot_knob_freq fblofreq  { l:145  t:100   title:"FB Hi Cutoff"    tab:3
								  dline:"Damps high frequencies in the feedback path." }
	parm vc3 rot_knob_freq fbhifreq  { l:5    t:100  title:"FB Lo Cutoff"    tab:2
								  dline:"Damps low frequencies in the feedback path." }
	parm vc4 rot_knob_freq lofreq    { l:5    t:150    title:"Lo Freq"  tab:4
								  dline:"Controls the frequency of the low shelving EQ that
precedes the effect." }
	parm vc5 rot_knob lolevel   { l:145  t:150   title:"Lo Level"      range:1151    nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"dB"  tab:5
								  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies below Lo Freq." }
	parm vc6 rot_knob_freq hifreq    { l:5    t:200    title:"Hi Freq"  tab:6
								  dline:"Controls the frequency of the high shelving EQ that
precedes the effect." }
	parm vc7 rot_knob hilevel   { l:145  t:200   title:"Hi Level"       range:1151   nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"dB"  tab:7
								  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies above Hi Freq." }
	parm vc8 rot_knob mix       { l:72  t:250    title:"Mix"            range:101    nl_decPl:0
unitsLbl:"% Wet"  tab:8
								  dline:"Controls the wet/dry mix." }

box espLongDdlBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort out
  parm float      lofreq        { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100      ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      lolevel       { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      hifreq        { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      hilevel       { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      delay         { min:0.0     max:1.000    dflt:0.500    ctr:0.500   }
  parm float      feedback      { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:20.0     ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      fblofreq      { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      fbhifreq      { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100.0    ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      mix           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:100.0    ctr:50.0    }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui0          { w:420  h:205  title:"ESP Long DDL" dline:"Long DDL: mono-in,
								  toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:5 toolBarTop:5 toolBarWidth:270
bottomBorder:20  bgPattern:boxBg }

	parm vc0 rot_knob delay     { l:5    t:50    title:"Delay"      range:101     nl_decPl:3
unitsLbl:"sec"   tab:0
								  dline:"Sets the amount of delay." }
	parm vc1 rot_knob feedback  { l:145  t:50   title:"Feedback"   range:201     nl_decPl:0
unitsLbl:"%"      tab:1
								  dline:"Determines the number of repeats." }

	parm vc2 rot_knob_freq fblofreq  { l:145  t:100  title:"FB Hi Cutoff"    tab:2
								  dline:"Damps high frequencies in the feedback path." }
	parm vc3 rot_knob_freq fbhifreq  { l:5    t:100  title:"FB Lo Cutoff"    tab:3
								  dline:"Damps low frequencies in the feedback path." }
	parm vc4 rot_knob_freq lofreq       { l:5    t:150  title:"Lo Freq"      tab:4
								  dline:"Controls the frequency of the low shelving EQ that
precedes the effect." }
	parm vc5 rot_knob lolevel   { l:145  t:150  title:"Lo Level"   range:1151    nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"dB"     tab:5
								  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies below Lo Freq." }
	parm vc6 rot_knob_freq hifreq    { l:5    t:200  title:"Hi Freq"      tab:6
								  dline:"Controls the frequency of the high shelving EQ that
precedes the effect." }
	parm vc7 rot_knob hilevel   { l:145  t:200  title:"Hi Level"   range:1151    nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"dB"     tab:7
								  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies above Hi Freq." }
	parm vc8 rot_knob mix       { l:72  t:250    title:"Mix"            range:101    nl_decPl:0
unitsLbl:"% Wet"  tab:8
								  dline:"Controls the wet/dry mix." }

box espTappedBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      lofreq            { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100      ctr:100.0   }
  parm float      lolevel           { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      hifreq            { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      hilevel           { min:-96.0   max:18.0     dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      time1             { min:0.0     max:1.0      dflt:0.20     ctr:0.50    }
  parm float      time2             { min:0.0     max:1.0      dflt:0.40     ctr:0.50    }
  parm float      time3             { min:0.0     max:1.0      dflt:0.60     ctr:0.50    }
  parm float      time4             { min:0.0     max:1.0      dflt:0.80     ctr:0.50    }
  parm float      lev1              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      lev2              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-50.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      lev3              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      lev4              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-50.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      pan1              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-100.0   ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      pan2              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-50.0    ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      pan3              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      pan4              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:100.0    ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      feedback          { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:25.0     ctr:0.0     } ;
  parm float      fblofreq          { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:10000.0  ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      fbhifreq          { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:100.0    ctr:100.0   }
  parm integer    dlyScale          { min:0       max:3        dflt:3                    } ;
visual control param only
  parm integer    pgSelect          { min:0       max:3        dflt:0                    } ;
visual control param only

  ui alTappedUIBox ui0              { w:526  h:413  title:"ESP Tapped Delay" pgCtlOnFl:0
									  dline:"Tapped Delay: mono-in, stereo-out." 
									  toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:396 toolBarTop:6
toolBarWidth:136  }

	; page 0

	parm vc0  rot_knob_freq  hifreq      { l:396  t:41   title:"Hi Freq"    page:0  tab:0
									  dline:"Controls the frequency of the high shelving EQ
that precedes the effect." }
	parm vc1  rot_knob  hilevel     { l:396  t:88   title:"Hi Level"   range:1151
nl_decPl:1   unitsLbl:"dB"    page:0  tab:1       
									  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies above Hi Freq." }

	parm vc2  rot_knob_freq  lofreq      { l:396  t:135  title:"Lo Freq"  page:0  tab:2       
									  dline:"Controls the frequency of the low shelving EQ that
precedes the effect."  }
	parm vc3  rot_knob  lolevel     { l:396  t:182  title:"Lo Level"   range:1151
nl_decPl:1   unitsLbl:"dB"    page:0  tab:3       
									  dline:"Boosts or cuts frequencies below Lo Freq."  }
	; parm vc4  incDecBtn dlyScale    { l:402  t:260  title:"Time Scale"
page:0  tab:-1 }

	; page 1

	parm ddl1VC   rot_knob  time1   { l:116  t:304  title:"Time"       range:1001
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:1  tab:4   labelFont0:ddlTap1
									  dline:"Sets the delay of Tap 1."  }
	parm lev1VC   rot_knob  lev1    { l:256  t:304  title:"Level"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:1  tab:5   labelFont0:ddlTap1
									  dline:"Controls the level of Tap 1."   }
	parm vc7      rot_knob  pan1    { l:396  t:304  title:"Pan"        tblMin:-100.0  tbl:0.0
1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"  page:1  tab:6   labelFont0:ddlTap1
									  dline:"Controls the stereo pan of Tap 1."  }

	; page 2

	parm ddl2VC   rot_knob  time2   { l:116  t:304  title:"Time"       range:1001
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:2  tab:7   labelFont0:ddlTap2
									  dline:"Sets the delay of Tap 2." }
	parm lev2VC   rot_knob  lev2    { l:256  t:304  title:"Level"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:8   labelFont0:ddlTap2         
									  dline:"Controls the level of Tap 2."  }
	parm vc10     rot_knob  pan2    { l:396  t:304  title:"Pan"        tblMin:-100.0  tbl:0.0
1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"  page:2  tab:9   labelFont0:ddlTap2           
									  dline:"Controls the stereo pan of Tap 2."  }

	; page 3

	parm ddl3VC   rot_knob  time3   { l:116  t:304  title:"Time"       range:1001
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:3  tab:10  labelFont0:ddlTap3
									  dline:"Sets the delay of Tap 3."  }
	parm lev3VC   rot_knob  lev3    { l:256  t:304  title:"Level"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:3  tab:11  labelFont0:ddlTap3         
									  dline:"Controls the level of Tap 3."   }
	parm vc13     rot_knob  pan3    { l:396  t:304  title:"Pan"        tblMin:-100.0  tbl:0.0
1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"  page:3  tab:12  labelFont0:ddlTap3           
									  dline:"Controls the stereo pan of Tap 3."  }

	; page 4

	parm ddl4VC   rot_knob  time4   { l:116  t:304  title:"Time"       range:1001
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:4  tab:13  labelFont0:ddlTap4
									  dline:"Sets the delay of Tap 4." }
	parm lev4VC   rot_knob  lev4    { l:256  t:304  title:"Level"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:4  tab:14  labelFont0:ddlTap4         
									  dline:"Controls the level of Tap 4."  }
	parm vc16     rot_knob  pan4    { l:396  t:304  title:"Pan"        tblMin:-100.0  tbl:0.0
1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"  page:4  tab:15  labelFont0:ddlTap4           
									  dline:"Controls the stereo pan of Tap 4."  }

	parm vc17 rot_knob  feedback    { l:116  t:353  title:"Feedback"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:4  tab:16  labelFont0:ddlTap4
									  dline:"Determines the number of repeats by adding some of
the output from Tap 4 back to the input." }
	parm vc18 rot_knob_freq  fbhifreq    { l:256  t:353  title:"FB Lo Cutoff"  page:4  tab:17
									  dline:"Damps low frequencies in the feedback path." }
	parm vc19 rot_knob_freq  fblofreq    { l:396  t:353  title:"FB Hi Cutoff"  page:4  tab:18
									  dline:"Damps high frequencies in the feedback path."  }

	; page 5

	parm vc20 radioBtn  pgSelect    { l:31   t:309  w:60  h:91  ctrlH:radioBtn4  page:5  tab:-1
btn_l:0  btn_t:0  label_l:25  label_t:17  
										  state:0 "Tap 1"  state:1 "Tap 2"  state:2 "Tap 3"
state:3 "Tap 4" }

box espPlateBox
  parm espInPort  in
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      predelay          { min:0.0     max:0.100    dflt:0.005    ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      diffus1           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:50.0     }
  parm float      diffus2           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:50.0     }
  parm float      hfbw              { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:9000.0   ctr:10000.0  }
  parm float      decay             { min:0.0     max:200.0    dflt:1.5      ctr:1.0      }
  parm float      damping           { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:7500.0   ctr:10000.0  }
  parm float      definition        { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:50.0     ctr:50.0     }

  ui alLayoutUIBox ui0              { w:420  h:205  title:"ESP Plate" dline:"Plate Reverb:
mono-in, stereo-out." bottomBorder:10
									  toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:5 toolBarTop:5 toolBarWidth:270
bgPattern:boxBg }
	parm vc0 rot_knob predelay      { l:5    t:55    title:"Predelay"    range:101
nl_decPl:3  unitsLbl:"sec"   tab:0
									  dline:"Inserts a delay between the direct signal and the
reverb." }
	parm vc1 rot_knob_freq hfbw          { l:145  t:55    title:"Bandwidth"       tab:1
									  dline:"Adjusts the cutoff frequency of a lowpass filter
in series with the reverb." }

	parm vc2 rot_knob diffus1       { l:5    t:110   title:"Diffuser 1"    range:101
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"%"          tab:2
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }
	parm vc3 rot_knob diffus2       { l:145  t:110   title:"Diffuser 2"    range:101
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"%"          tab:3
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }
	parm vc4 rot_knob decay         { l:5    t:165  title:"Decay"  range:2001  nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"sec" tab:4
									  dline:"Controls the overall decay time." }
	parm vc5 rot_knob_freq damping       { l:145  t:165   title:"Damping"  tab:5
									  dline:"Damps high frequencies as the reverb decays." }
	parm vc6 rot_knob definition    { l:5    t:220  title:"Definition"  range:101    nl_decPl:0
unitsLbl:"%"      tab:6
									  dline:"Controls the buildup of echo density as the reverb
decays." }

box espSmroomBox
  parm espInPort  inL
  parm espInPort  inR
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      send              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:75.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      hfbw              { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:9000.0   ctr:10000.0  }
  parm float      predelay          { min:0.0     max:0.100    dflt:0.003     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      time1             { min:0.0     max:0.1      dflt:0.019    ctr:0.001    }
  parm float      lev1              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:4.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      send1             { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-9.0    ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      time2             { min:0.0     max:0.1      dflt:0.041    ctr:0.001    }
  parm float      lev2              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:5.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      send2             { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:8.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      decay             { min:0.0     max:200.0    dflt:1.4      ctr:1.0      }
  parm float      diffus1           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:57.0     ctr:50.0     }
  parm float      definition        { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:43.0     ctr:50.0     }
  parm float      lodecay           { min:0.0     max:500.0    dflt:100.0    ctr:100.0    }
  parm float      xover             { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:700.0    ctr:10000.0  }
  parm float      diffus2           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:47.0     ctr:50.0     }
  parm float      damping           { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:6000.0   ctr:10000.0  }
  parm float      pos1              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:15.0    ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      pos2              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-30.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      pos3              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:35.0      ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      rate              { min:0.0     max:50.0     dflt:1.5      ctr:0.5      }
  parm float      depth             { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:10.0     ctr:0.0      }
  parm float      balance           { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0      }
  parm integer    pgSelect          { min:0       max:3        dflt:0                     } ;
visual control param only

  ui alSmroomUIBox ui0              { w:627  h:302  title:"ESP Room" pgCtlOnFl:0   pageVisFl: 0
1 pageVisFl: 1 1 bottomBorder:56 rightBorder:85    
toolBarLeft:15 toolBarTop:305  toolBarWidth:88 
									  dline:"Room Reverb: stereo-in, stereo-out."
bgPattern:boxBg }
	; page 0

		parm vc0  radioBtn pgSelect     { l:16   t:199  w:98  h:96 ctrlH:radioBtn4  page:0
tab:-1  btn_l:0  btn_t:0  label_l:25  label_t:17  
										  state:0 "Input"  state:1 "Reflections"  state:2
"Reverb 1"  state:3 "Reverb 2" }

	; page 1
	parm vc1  rot_knob send         { l:123  t:199  title:"Input Gain"  range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:1  tab:0 
									  dline:"Controls the amount of direct signal sent to the
reverb." }

	parm vc2  rot_knob_freq hfbw         { l:263  t:199  title:"Bandwidth"     page:1   tab:1
									  dline:"Adjusts the cutoff frequency of a lowpass filter
in series with the reverb." }

	parm vc3  rot_knob predelay     { l:403  t:199  title:"Predelay"      range:101
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"     page:1  tab:2
									  dline:"Inserts a delay between the direct signal and the
reverb." }

	; page 2

	parm vc4  rot_knob time1        { l:123  t:199  title:"ER1 Time"      range:201
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"     page:2  tab:3
									  dline:"Controls the arrival time of early reflection 1."

	parm vc5  rot_knob lev1         { l:263  t:199  title:"ER1 Level"     range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:2  tab:4
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 1 sent
directly to the output." }

	parm vc6  rot_knob send1        { l:403  t:199  title:"ER1 Send"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:2  tab:5
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 1 sent to
the reverb." }

	parm vc7  rot_knob time2        { l:123  t:249  title:"ER2 Time"      range:201
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"     page:2  tab:6
									  dline:"Controls the arrival time of early reflection 2."

	parm vc8  rot_knob lev2         { l:263  t:249  title:"ER2 Level"     range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:2  tab:7
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 2 sent
directly to the output." }

	parm vc9  rot_knob send2        { l:403  t:249  title:"ER2 Send"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:2  tab:8
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 2 sent to
the reverb." }

	; page 3

	parm vc10 rot_knob decay        { l:123  t:199  title:"Decay"   range:2001  nl_decPl:1
unitsLbl:"sec"     page:3       tab:9           
									  dline:"Controls the overall decay time." }

	parm vc11 rot_knob diffus1      { l:263  t:199  title:"Diffuser 1"      range:101
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"%"          page:3        tab:10
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }

	parm vc12 rot_knob definition   { l:403  t:199  title:"Definition"    range:101
nl_decPl:0         unitsLbl:"%"   page:3        tab:11
									  dline:"Controls the buildup of echo density as the reverb
decays." }

	parm vc13 rot_knob lodecay      { l:123  t:249  title:"Lo Decay"      range:501
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"    page:3     tab:12
									  dline:"Controls the low-frequency decay time." }

	parm vc13b rot_knob_freq xover       { l:123  t:299  title:"Xover Freq"    page:3   tab:15
									  dline:"Controls the crossover frequency for the
low-frequency decay time." }

	parm vc14 rot_knob diffus2      { l:263  t:249  title:"Diffuser 2"      range:101
nl_decPl:0  unitsLbl:"%"     page:3     tab:13
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }
	parm vc15 rot_knob_freq damping      { l:403  t:249  title:"Damping"        page:3  tab:14
									  dline:"Damps high frequencies as the reverb decays." }

	; page 4

	parm vc16 rot_knob pos1         { l:123  t:199  title:"Position 1"    range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:4  tab:16
									  dline:"Controls the level of echoes from the front of the
simulated room." }
	parm vc17 rot_knob pos2         { l:263  t:199  title:"Position 2"    range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:4  tab:17
									  dline:"Controls the level of echoes from the middle of
the simulated room." }
	parm vc18 rot_knob pos3         { l:403  t:199  title:"Position 3"    range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:4  tab:18
									  dline:"Controls the level of echoes from the rear of the
simulated room." }
	parm vc19 rot_knob_rate rate         { l:123  t:249  title:"Detune Rate"   page:4   tab:19
									  dline:"Controls the rate of tap modulation." }
	parm vc20 rot_knob depth        { l:263  t:249  title:"Detune Amt"  range:101
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"               page:4  tab:20
									  dline:"Controls the amount of tap modulation." }
	parm vc21 rot_knob balance      { l:403  t:249  title:"Balance"       tblMin:-100.0
tbl:0.0      1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"   page:4        tab:21  
									  dline:"Adjusts the stereo balance." }

box espNonlinBox
  parm espInPort  inL
  parm espInPort  inR
  parm espOutPort outL
  parm espOutPort outR
  parm float      lev1              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:25.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev2              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-25.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev3              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:30.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev4              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-35.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev5              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:40.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev6              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-50.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev7              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:65.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      lev8              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-75.00    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      diffus1           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:60.0     ctr:50.0    }
  parm float      diffus2           { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:60.0     ctr:50.0    }
  parm float      density1          { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:40.0     ctr:50.0    }
  parm float      density2          { min:0.0     max:100.0    dflt:40.0     ctr:50.0    }
  parm float      hfbw              { min:0.0     max:20000.0  dflt:8000.0   ctr:10000.0 }
  parm float      send              { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:75.0     ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      time1             { min:0.0     max:0.200    dflt:0.030    ctr:0.001   }
  parm float      send1             { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:-10.0    ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      time2             { min:0.0     max:0.200    dflt:0.050    ctr:0.001   }
  parm float      send2             { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:15.0     ctr:0.0     }
  parm float      balance           { min:-100.0  max:100.0    dflt:0.0      ctr:0.0     }
  parm integer    pgSelect          { min:0       max:1        dflt:0                    } ;
visual control param only

  ui alNonlinUIBox ui0              { w:536  h:418  title:"ESP Nonlin" pgCtlOnFl:0
rightBorder:6  bottomBorder:6 
									  dline:"Nonlin Reverb: stereo-in, stereo-out."
toolBarOnFl:1 toolBarLeft:392 toolBarTop:6 toolBarWidth:136 }
	; page 0
	parm vc0  rot_knob diffus1      { l:392  t:41   title:"Diffuser 1"      range:101
nl_decPl:0    unitsLbl:"%"  page:0  tab:0
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }
	parm vc1  rot_knob diffus2      { l:392  t:88   title:"Diffuser 2"      range:101
nl_decPl:0    unitsLbl:"%"  page:0  tab:1
									  dline:"Controls diffuser gain. Low settings yield a
discrete-sounding reverb. High settings yield a smooth, dense reverb." }
	parm vc2  rot_knob density1     { l:392  t:135  title:"Density 1"     range:101
nl_decPl:0      unitsLbl:"%"  page:0  tab:2
									  dline:"Controls the density of echoes during the early
part of the decay." }
	parm vc3  rot_knob density2     { l:392  t:182  title:"Density 2"     range:101
nl_decPl:0      unitsLbl:"%"  page:0  tab:3
									  dline:"Controls the density of echoes during the later
part of the decay." }
	parm vc4  rot_knob_freq hfbw         { l:392  t:229  title:"Bandwidth"     page:0  tab:4
									  dline:"Adjusts the cutoff frequency of a lowpass filter
in series with the reverb." }

	; page 1
	parm vc5  rot_knob send         { l:112  t:288  title:"Primary Send"  range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:1  tab:5  
									  dline:"Controls the amount of direct signal sent to the
reverb." }

	parm vc6  rot_knob send1        { l:252  t:288  title:"ER1 Send"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:1  tab:6
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 1 sent to
the reverb." }

	parm vc7  rot_knob send2        { l:392  t:288  title:"ER2 Send"      range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:1  tab:7
									  dline:"Controls the amount of early reflection 2 sent to
the reverb." }

	parm vc8  rot_knob balance      { l:112  t:335  title:"Balance"       tblMin:-100.0
tbl:0.0      1.0    0  "% L"
1.0    0  "% C"
1.0    0  "% R"  page:1  tab:8  
									  dline:"Adjusts the stereo balance." }
	parm vc9  rot_knob time1        { l:252  t:335  title:"ER1 Time"      range:201
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:1  tab:9
									  dline:"Controls the arrival time of early reflection 1."

	parm vc10 rot_knob time2        { l:392  t:335  title:"ER2 Time"      range:201
nl_decPl:3   unitsLbl:"sec"   page:1  tab:10
									  dline:"Controls the arrival time of early reflection 2."

	; page 2

	parm lev1VC rot_knob lev1       { l:112  t:288  title:"Level 1"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:11
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev2VC rot_knob lev2       { l:252  t:288  title:"Level 2"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:12  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev3VC rot_knob lev3       { l:392  t:288  title:"Level 3"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:13  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }

	parm lev4VC rot_knob lev4       { l:112  t:335  title:"Level 4"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:14  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev5VC rot_knob lev5       { l:252  t:335  title:"Level 5"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:15  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev6VC rot_knob lev6       { l:392  t:335  title:"Level 6"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:16  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev7VC rot_knob lev7       { l:112  t:382  title:"Level 7"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:17  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	parm lev8VC rot_knob lev8       { l:252  t:382  title:"Level 8"       range:201
nl_decPl:0   unitsLbl:"%"     page:2  tab:18  
									  dline:"Level 1 through 8 control the overall envelope of
the reverb." }
	; page 3
		parm vc19 radioBtn  pgSelect    { l:31   t:288  w:68  h:140  ctrlH:radioBtn2  page:3
tab:-1  btn_l:0  btn_t:0  label_l:25  label_t:17
										  state:0 "Sends"  state:1 "Reverb" }

[patches ]

patch eCompPatch                    { autoVoiceCnt:1 }
  box espCompBox compBox0 0
	parm out { extPortId:0 }
	parm in  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Compress" shortTitle:"Comp"
dline:"Compressor"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box compBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eExpndPatch                  { autoVoiceCnt:1 } 
  box espExpndBox expndBox0 0
	parm out { extPortId:0 }
	parm in  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Expander" shortTitle:"Expander"
dline:"Expander"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box expndBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eGatePatch                  { autoVoiceCnt:1 }
  box espGateBox gateBox0 0
	parm out { extPortId:0 }
	parm in  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Gate" shortTitle:"Gate"
dline:"Gate" bgPattern:patchBg }
	box gateBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eStCompPatch                  { autoVoiceCnt:1 }
  box espStCompBox stcompBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }
	parm inR  { extPortId:1 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"St Compress" shortTitle:"StComp"
dline:"Stereo Compressor"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box stcompBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eStExpndPatch                 { autoVoiceCnt:1 }
  box espStExpndBox stexpndBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }
	parm inR  { extPortId:1 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"St Expander" shortTitle:"StExpd"
dline:"Stereo Expander"  bgPattern:patchBg  }
	box stexpndBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eStGatePatch               { autoVoiceCnt:1 }
  box espStGateBox stgateBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }
	parm inR  { extPortId:1 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"St Gate" shortTitle:"StGate"
dline:"Stereo Gate"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box stgateBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eChorusPatch                              
  box espChorusBox chorusBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm in   { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Chorus" shortTitle:"Chorus"
dline:"Chorus"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box chorusBox0  ui1 { l:1 t:1   }
		  parm vc0 { dline:"This is a changed dline" }

patch eDdlPatch
  box espDdlBox ddlBox0 0
	parm out { extPortId:0 }
	parm in  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Delay" shortTitle:"Delay"
dline:"Delay" bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box ddlBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eLongDdlPatch
  box espLongDdlBox longddlBox0 0
	parm out { extPortId:0 }
	parm in  { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Long Delay" shortTitle:"LDelay"
dline:"Long Delay" bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box longddlBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eTappedPatch
  box espTappedBox tappedBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm in   { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Tap Delay" shortTitle:"TapDly"
dline:"Tapped Delay" bgPattern:patchBg }
	box tappedBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch ePlatePatch
  box espPlateBox plateBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm in   { extPortId:0 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Plate Rev" shortTitle:"Plate"
dline:"Plate"  bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box plateBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eSmroomPatch
  box espSmroomBox smroomBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }
	parm inR  { extPortId:1 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Room Rev" shortTitle:"Room"
dline:"Room"  bgPattern:patchBg statusBttnFl:1 }
	box smroomBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }

patch eNonlinPatch
  box espNonlinBox nonlinBox0 0
	parm outL { extPortId:0 }
	parm outR { extPortId:1 }
	parm inL  { extPortId:0 }
	parm inR  { extPortId:1 }

  ui little alLayoutPatchUI { l:150 t:50 w:300 h:300 title:"Non Lin Rev" shortTitle:"NonLin"
dline:"Nonlin"  bgPattern:patchBg }
	box nonlinBox0  ui0 { l:1 t:1   }
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