Revision history for MultiMecBug
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''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line'' // [this is enabled by editing your paris.cfg in a text editor to contain this text - ed]//, ''you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems.'' This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.
''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line'' // [this is enabled by editing your paris.cfg in a text editor to contain this text - ed]//, ''you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems. This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.
''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line // [this is enabled by editing your paris.cfg in a text editor to contain this text - ed] // , you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems.'' This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.
''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line //[this is enabled by editing your paris.cfg in a text editor to contain this text - ed]//, you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems.'' This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.
''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line [this is enabled by editing your paris.cfg in a text editor to contain this text - ed], you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems.'' This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.
''You are using WC, right? Besides the "[[UseHouseSync UseHouseSync=1]]" line, you MUST create a "Default Project" in your Paris Pro folder, and the "Default Project" MUST be set to Word Clock sync and it MUST be set to a 48K sample rate. Even if you have your Word Clock generator set to 44.1K and are going to work at 44.1K, the Paris Default Project MUST be set to 48K in the Project Window when Paris boots up. After bootup, you can change it to read 44.1K with no problems.'' This one nearly killed me and Chris Thoman till we caught it.