Time flies. This project extended into the beginning of term, and in a remarkable bit of synchronicity one of the…
I’m starting to get excited about the idea of working with my tools again, and investigating some of the new…
As I mentioned, I’ve been planning to include a “Spitfire mode” into this box. Suddenly a series of intuitive connections…
Ok. Electronics under way. Now what do I put it in? Hm. I’m know I’m either going to have to…
First steps: Investigating the feasibility of the processor/code. As it happens, I had an Arduino Teensy left over from some…
The term ended for grad school a month back, and I quickly started chewing the wallpaper waiting for September. I…
This has become a pretty much yearly event now and is always a high spot in my gig year. Alfie’s…
And off we go – heading off to Quebec City for a quick gig with Gabi and Chema on April…
Out on the road once more, having great fun playing bass in this burning Latin trio!
Epic adventures on the road with Trivolution, featuring pianist/composer Gabriel Palatchi and killer drummer Chema Gonzalez. We’re on a three…