Revision history for TptQue3

Revision [1045]

Last edited on 2008-08-27 14:43:27 by admin
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Revision [843]

Edited on 2008-04-15 18:17:18 by admin
Q: //Does anyone know what _tpt QueProject Error in setting direction.
A: //> two lines of thought on this one is your set up settings which john
> has addressed. the other which he touched on was the loop function
> and the other is the punch in function. if either was active (on) on
> saving a file this error will occur. the best temp work around is to
> **as soon as the song loads turn off those listed if on and immediately
> hit the save as and rename the file.** do not open any gui or hit play
> as this will trigger the error message and pretty much lock you out
> from doing the above.//
//Does anyone know what _tpt QueProject Error in setting direction.

Revision [611]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-04-10 11:10:14 by admin
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