=====Error Code 1011/3f3 - unknown problem with DX plugins===== Subject: Re: EDMUND - What is this error code????? // > > Hi Anyone > Has anyone encountered the ''error code 1011/3f3'' ? > I tried inserting a new directX plugin over a track > in PARIS but it gives this error code.The same plugin > works fine in Wavelab,CE,Nuendo. > It shows up in PARIS to be inserted BUT just won't > load. > Any help is appreciated, > This is an ''error code generated by the Ensoniq ""DirectX"" plug-ins code. It isn't fully compatible with all plug-ins''. And because we didn't implement this I can't look up any details. Sorry. ------------------------- Edmund Pirali Intelligent Devices, Inc.// ---- Back to [[BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting]]