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=====Midi in PARIS=====

The overwhelming consensus is that MIDI in PARIS was abandoned at too early a stage of implementation to be of much practical use. Accordingly, most users [[DisableMidi disable the MIDI engine of PARIS]] to free themselves from the potential of related bugs.

However, some explored the use of MIDI in PARIS, and the following excellent step-by-step tutorial by Lou Guarino Jr (copied from Steve Della Maggiore's excellent ParisFAQs site) may be of great help to those who brave its peculiarities.

===Using Midi in Paris===

By Louis Guarino Jr.

===Set up===

1) Make sure you have your midi modules & synths audio outs coming into paris audio ins and have the tracks enabled "live" in the [[WindowMixer mixer window]] ("[[ProjLiveMix Live mix]]" should be set in the [[WindowProject project window]] so you are not recording)

2) In the [[WindowEditor Editor window]] (press "E"), under edit menu select "Add midi tracks", then select how many tracks you want (usually one). This will show up on track 19 in light blue/purple

3) Go to [[WindowProject Project window]] and under windows menu select midi devices and check to see if MPS (or any synth you are using) controller test light comes on showing activity.

4) Open the [[WindowMidiInstruments Midi Instruments window]] (also in the Project window) and under edit menu select new instrument

5) In that window, under no device, option-click(Mac) and select a module like MPS or D4 (or whatever you are using), then select a midi channel for it

6) Open [[WindowMidiChunks Midi Chunks Window]] (in [[WindowProject Project Window]]) and under edit window select new chunks

7) Select by clicking and highlighting and drag that chunk with the time lock cursor to the midi track (on 19) you made earlier in the edit window.

8) Double click the red chunk you just made and it opens up the midi tracks window

9) Option click(Mac) on the (no track) and select the instrument you made in the instruments window (instrument 1, etc). Make sure the P and R lights to the left are lit.

10) Go back to the chunk in the edit window on track 19 (or whatever track[s]) and control click it so that a red-orange stripe shows horizontally at the top area of the red chunk.

You are now ready to record.

1) Select a midi sound/patch you want to use in your module/synth manually by pusing the buttons on the faceplate of the synth/module (piano, drum, patch, etc.)
2) Hold record and press play just as you would when recording on the control 16 and record.
3) To play back, rewind on the control 16, click the red record light in the tracks window to disable recording, and press play on the C16. Your midi should play back.
4) Repeat more tracks in the midi track window by first making another new instrument in the instrument window (and assigning it to whatever synth and midi channel you want) and then adding a new track in the tracks window and assigning it to that new instrument. You can add as many tracks as you like in the tracks window this way and only have one "track" in your editor window of all your midi tracks.

Importing Standard Midi Files (from Performer)

1) In performer (or whatever sequencer you are using) go to chunks window and select a sequence with the arrow.
2) In the control panel under tempo control select conductor track then do a Save-As (this is for performer only)
3) Save it to wherever you want (desktop, folder), select Std midi file and name the file, a dialog box will open
4) Select format1 and Expand loops, then OK (again for performer only)
5) Quit performer and you don't need to save.
6) Find that midi file and add the extension .mid to the end of it.

===IMPORTANT - Next, In Paris===

7) Follow 1 & 2 & 3 above under Using Midi in Paris
8) Go to [[WindowMidiChunks Midi Chunks Window]] as above and select import Std midi File from the edit menu
9) Go back to editor window and select the time lock cursor
10) Go back to the [[WindowMidiChunks Midi Chunks Window]] and select the new chunk you made (it tells how many tracks are in it) and drag it to track 19 (or whichever track you have your midi on).
11) Double click the midi track on 19 to open the tracks window
12) Deselect any record lights and make sure the P lights are lit
13) Go to the Instruments window and assign the proper midi devices to the right instruments. Do this by option-clicking on "no device". Use the Midi track window to help you. This could be confusing with large projects, but I did it, so anyone can.
14) Play the tracks. It sends program messages to the modules to get the right patches automatically.

**NOTE:** If first note does not play, double click the name of the track under the midi tracks window to open the midi editor window. The program change should be the first item at 000. Use the edit menu to move the program change back or forward till it is the first event if it is not.

You can then go into the [[WindowProject project window]] and type in the new tempo time from whatever it was originally in performer or any other sequencer program.

TIP: It helps to take a snapshot of the Performer tracks window to remember the settings (Mac only)


If ever there is no sound, check the [[WindowsMidiDevice Midi Devices Window]] for the test light. It sometimes goes out after doing some things.


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