====Paris 3.0 Multiple MEC Workaround==== 1) In the Paris Pro 3.0 folder open the file called Paris.cfg with SimpleText. 2) In order to open this with SimpleText on the Mac you may need to change the Paris.cfg to Paris.txt and then double click on it to open it. 3) Type the new command on an open line: UseHouseSync=1 4) Close the Paris.cfg and Save it. 5) If you had to change the name of the file to Paris.txt then now change it back to Paris.cfg (you only have to do this once, the Mac will now create a link to SimpleText) 6) Boot Paris by clicking on the Paris icon. In the Project window change the Synch from “Internal” to “Word Clock.” Make sure that the Sample rate is set appropriately for your files. (44.1 vs 48) 7) Save this project as “Default Project.ppj” and save it in the Paris folder. (In the main Paris folder - not in the projects folder). This will be the project that boots when you open Paris by clicking on the Paris icon. 8) Close Paris 9) Connect the wordclock outputs from a wordclock distribution system to each MEC’s wordclock input. Make sure to use 75 ohm cables with the shortest run possible. (This sets up Paris with an external parallel wordclock) 10) Now reboot Paris to the Default Project by clicking on the Paris icon. 11) A short time after Paris boots, MEC A (attached to the master card) may lose synch and return to internal synch. Re-click on the “word clock” option in the Project Window to re-set it to wordclock. Or try switching between “Internal” and “Word Clock” 12) Paris should now run with multiple MECs/442 interfaces functioning normally. 13) Any project that you want to work in this set-up must be saved with wordclock selected and booted directly by double clicking on that project’s icon. If Paris boots directly to internal clock (the standard Paris boot-up) it cannot be set to wordclock directly from the Project window.