Revision [1952]

This is an old revision of BrianTankersley made by admin on 2015-12-26 13:21:02.


Brian Tankersley ("BT")

Brian Tankersley was one of PARIS' highest-profile users; some of his impressive body of work can be found here. You'll find BT's invaluable input, as one of the users who put PARIS through its paces the hardest (for a long time Brian had the "Largest DAW on the Planet"), selflessly given and extensively quoted throughout the PARIS Wiki.

BT discusses his PARIS rig in "Brian Tankersley On The GBT System", MIX Magazine, July 2000

BT discusses his PARIS rig in "A DAW Grows in Nashville: Mark Miller And Brian Tankersley's GBT Studio", MIX Magazine, July 2000

BT on "doin' it Nashville style" in Sound On Sound, October 2002

BT joins Gearslutz as fulltime PC moderator, June 2003

BT joins Joel Osteen's ministry as Senior Producer/Director of Audio Technologies

BT and Aaron Allen release their renowned Paris Instructional Video "into the wild" as a gift to the PARIS community. Many thanks, guys!
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