Revision [1595]

This is an old revision of ParisExportFacilities made by admin on 2010-02-07 13:37:50.


PARIS Transfer Facilities

Got a critical project in .ppj format with .paf audio files - and no PARIS rig to open it with? The following area is intended to let PARIS users announce their availability to do transfers into other formats for you. No endorsement is intended, this is just a place to connect up people who need a service with people in a position to provide it.

Enter your contact information below:

NOR Productions
kg AT kerrygalloway dot com

FTP accessible

Dubvibe Productions
dubvibeproductions AT gmail dot com

Dan Burne
daniel _ burne AT yahoo dot com
(Based in London, UK)

Sound Dog Recording Studio
dogster AT tpg dot com dot au
(Sydney, Australia)

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