Revision [1387]
This is an old revision of HomePage made by admin on 2009-12-30 01:24:25.
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Welcome to the PARIS Wiki!
[Scroll down the page for a "quick reference" table of contents, browse the PageIndex full page index, or search the site from the box in the page's header]
UPDATE, end of '09: The PARISWiki gets a facelift
We've updated to WikkaWiki V1.2, which brings increased security, great new functionality (notice the site search box in the upper right?) and a new look, complete with user-customizable themes (which definitely means giving the Wiki a proper PARIS theme as time permits). Let us know if the update has broken anything and we'll get right on fixing it. If you prefer the previous look, go into "Change Settings/Logout" (don't actually log out - just set your theme to "default" there).
PreviousUpdates Previous updates...
adminUsers Registered users to date - 150;
Total pages to date - 278
Total pages to date - 278
rank | user | pages owned | percentage |
1. | admin | 206 | 74.1% |
2. | ParisNg | 8 | 2.9% |
3. | HanshlWickhamva | 4 | 1.4% |
4. | RetawbManleyif | 4 | 1.4% |
5. | ToddguHurseyic | 3 | 1.1% |
6. | BernieqrMoffetem | 3 | 1.1% |
7. | MelisaoqHungerfordmi | 3 | 1.1% |
8. | BlondellkvKuntznf | 2 | 0.7% |
9. | MagdabiWoolnerrl | 2 | 0.7% |
10. | ZacharyftWeissmullerui | 2 | 0.7% |
NEW: Get Mike Audet's new (2009) XP multicore drivers for PARIS - bugfixes, modernization, and the ability to have PARIS run like a champ on modern multicore CPUs!
NEW: Reaper users - download the REAPER PAF Import Extension (courtesy of user Xenakios and libsndfile) and new Reaper scripts to help Reaper and PARIS "play well together".
NEW: Dress up PARIS with ParisSkins cool new skins by Mike Yanoska and Jim Drago! [new skin added 06/22/09: "Neve"]
NEW: automatic notifications of changes to the PARISWiki via RSS feed!

NEW: track recent changes visually using the RecentChangesMindMap Recent Changes Mind Map!
NEW: In a hurry? Jump straight to BugsTroubleshooting Bugs, Troubleshooting and the Error Code Compendium!
NEW: Courtesy of DougWellington Doug Wellington - Are you on the PARIS map yet?
This is an educational site dedicated to information about the brilliant but now discontinued PARIS digital audio workstation (a collaborative venture between Intelligent Devices and the Ensoniq Corporation), with an eye towards collecting all available information and lore into one central easy-to-use crosslinked location (MissStat click here for the Statement of Purpose. The site is greatly indebted to PARIS' voluntary archivists - DougWellington Doug Wellington, SteveDellaMaggiora Steve "artguy" Della Maggiora and JohnBercik John Bercik - for their prior copious and painstaking collections from which so many of the initial entries of this Wiki have been drawn, and of course to HiddenSound Hiddensound's Kim, whose newsgroup is a treasure trove - past, present and future. The PARIS Wiki is a private "labour of love" user initiative; it is not in any way associated with PARIS' former manufacturers, the Ensoniq Corporation or its heirs, nor with Intelligent Devices, former makers of PARIS software. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, and all information cited here is either 1) used with permission, 2) believed in good faith to be in the public domain, or 3) cited for non-profit educational purposes under the doctrine of "Fair Use"; please contact the site administrator if you feel any material should be removed. The site administrator reserves the right to edit to maintain standards of substance, style and format. Malicious deletion of material, insertion of false or defamatory material, or links to illegal or offensive material, may be treated as "hacking" and reported to authorities. "Hacking" is pursued as serious crime.
Important: most of the things discussed on this Wiki are user generated data rather than official pronouncements. While they represent the best information the community has available, the administrators on this site are not responsible for harm you cause to yourself, to others, or to your equipment through following or misusing tips found on this site; use all information found here at your own risk.
Users are encouraged to add and edit pages. There is a brief tutorial on how to ParisWikiTut create, edit and link new pages over here, the full documentation over here, and a list of FormattingRules all sorts of formatting options over here. Editing is easy; some might consider it fun, or even addictive. Administrative requests are minimal: try for a "technical writing" style; stick to PARIS or closely related issues; and adhere to the general principle of "NPOV".
So if you have PARIS info you feel like contributing - go for it! If you see something that you know is wrong or could be worded more clearly or contains a misused term - log in, click twice and fix it!
Section for "needed pages" coming soon.
Quick Reference:
New: The ParisReferenceLibrary PARIS Reference Library, a collection of manuals, FAQs and tutorials in PDF format (registered Wiki users only).ParisIntro An Introduction to PARIS
ParisHist History
ParisSonics Sonics
SetupConfig PARIS Setup and ConfigurationParisWind Main Windows
KeyboardCommands Essential Keyboard Commands
CeeSixteenCommands Essential C16 Commands
BasicUse Basic UseSessionTracking Sessions: Tracking
SessionEdit Sessions: Editing
SessionMix Sessions: Mixing
SessionMast Sessions: Mastering
PARIS' onboard DSP processing:EdsTipsAndTricks EDS Plugins: tips and tricks
VstDxParis VST and DX plugins in PARIS
NativeFxSetup Setting up native plug-ins in PARIS
NativeLatencyDatabase Native Plugins: Latencies by plug-in
UadCards Setting up UAD Cards with PARIS
Advanced Use
ParisSync Synchronizing PARIS with the rest of your digital audio hardware and softwareParisMidi MIDI In Paris
MixerLess Running a "mixer-less" studio using PARIS
WindowPatchBay Getting the most out of your Patch Bay
ParisAut Automation
DspNormalize PARIS - Abnormal Normalization
Going deeper into PARIS
BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting - Known Bug Codex and Error Code Compendium ProjectParisSkins Customizing the look: "Skinning" PARIS
ParisWallPaper PARIS wallpaper for your computer's desktop
ParisSignalflow PARIS Signal Flow diagram
SwThirdParty Useful Third Party Software
ParisDemos The originally included PARIS demos - "Crop Circles" and "See It My Way"
ParisExportFacilities PARIS Export Facilities: "I don't have access to PARIS hardware; can anyone here open a .ppj and render the tracks out to .wav?". List your facility here if you want to advertise your services exporting PARIS sessions for use in other DAWs. No endorsement is implied by these listings.