Revision [1116]
This is an old revision of ErrorOneOne made by admin on 2008-10-30 10:05:52.
Error Code 1/1
This error code indicates that the PARIS hardware cannot be found by the software. It's often found in conjunction with a partial installation or an improperly completed install of the XP Drivers.
Subject:Re: Error Code City
Date:Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:00:30 -0400 (Edmund Pirali)
"Amos Parkinson" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I'm getting error code 1/1 on a new system, I've never had an issue
> getting
> paris up and running on a new rig but this time i'm trying it on a dell
> c-doc
> laptop system. Driver went in fine, then software but on re-start and
> running
> of paris i get an error:( the card is not visible in XP control panel
> either...
> Any suggestion would be a great help!
> Thanks
> Amos
probably that you do not have the driver installed properly. Error 1/1 and
7/7 mean that it does not see hardware when you initialize the software.
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