Revision [660]

This is an old revision of AssertionFailed made by admin on 2008-04-11 02:41:32.


Assertion Failed

I got this message several times on my Athlon 700:
; Assertion failed File Cache.c:439offset>=0&&offset<p->count
The message was the result of catastrophic Paris failure and when I hit return it quit.
Anyone know the reason for this message?

Athlon 700
K7Pro mobo
128 RAM
2 EDS cards
Maxtor 20

Another oddity, while I am on it, is that yesterday I had zero problems tracking and today playing the same song, with fewer tracks in play, I keep getting "data can not be read fast enough from disk" messages. Why the change from one day to the next? Aarrgh!

answer: this usually happens after something bad happens (like disk I/O error, corrupted file, etc). It shouldn't, and there are other error codes meant to intercept these situations, but when really bad things happen sometimes you will see assertion failures. They are controlled exits in catastrophic sitations
Now that I have scared the begeezes out of you:
- Do a scan disk of all volumes with surface scan,
- Increase the disk cache by a meg or two,
- Let me know if this happens again.

Edmund Pirali
Intelligent Devices, Inc.

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