Michael Arnao
Michael Arnao worked at Ensoniq in the summers of 1987 and 1988 in the testing and repair departments. He began working as an Ensoniq software engineer in 1991. Michael was responsible for effects development on Ensoniq keyboards, effects processors and other products from 1992 onwards; these products included the ASR, TS,KT, and MR series keyboards, the DP4+, DP2, and DP/Pro effects processors, and Paris. Michael also wrote the symbolic assembler for the ESP2, Ensoniq's digital signal processing chip.
Mike also created phaser, flanger, and chorus plug-ins inspired by the TC Electronic products of the time, which were never marketed (Michael believes they ended up in ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy's domain when he obtained rights to the PARIS software) and also wrote a limiter/ditherer/noise shaper plug-in known as evolimit (current status unkown). BillMauchly Bill Mauchly and ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy also worked on the evolimit UI.