Revision [569]

This is an old revision of SessionTracking made by admin on 2008-04-09 02:03:56.


Tracking With PARIS

Via John Bercik:

A Typical Session Workflow

Set up instruments

Adjust microphones


Load macros (macro express)

Paris Setup:


Framework for session workflow


Edit the submix to get the correct arrangment of verses, choruses etc....and add markers with labels

Sometimes what feels/sounds right isn't exactly ontime here. That's a good thing! Turn off click, then retrack the lead instruments and extra percussion using the new drums with the click OFF.
Real Drums: Then track the real drums. Cutting and pasting until it is pretty much ontime. Vox: Last I do the vox. Groove doesn't mean ontime. It means playing behind or in front of the beat. I like my drum beat to be ontime, but the fills to be loose.
Once your basic groove is down, only use the click for countoff and cues in places where the beat stops. You can copy your click track and mute one and cut up the other to play in special places or you can cut up the original object because the original segment is always there.

Mixing and Arranging

Rough mix
Set initial automation volume value
Render files with Native and EDS using SpdifTrick SPDIF trick

Mastering and Rendering

Automate mutes, set up gates
In WindowMixer Mixer Window enable "Show meters as Post Fader"
Enable any Automation you want.

Bounce down to stereo pair of PAF files using NoLimit on the EDS inserts. If Paris is set at 24 bit on the Paris window it'll create a 24bit wav.
To get Native effects on global, mix your song to a stereo file then import that and bounce again using native inserts like Waves Ultramaximizer

Export to Stereo File
Stereo Normalize / hard limit in Cool Edit/Wavelab

Backup / File Management

use shortcut keys for c16 and computer keyboard.
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