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The PARIS Windows XP Driver Installation Manual

Originally written by ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy, with updates by DougWellington Doug Wellington 09/24/04. Reformatted with hyperlinks by Kerry Galloway 04/07/08. Original document is available at ParisFaqs

Making PARIS freaking fly on Windows XP

This page contains just about everything you'll need to successfully migrate PARIS to XP. You should be aware that PARIS XP drivers were not produced by Intelligent Devices or E-MU. Intelligent Devices and E-MU do not and will not support problems with XP drivers or software installations running on XP!

The XP Drivers were written by an insanely talented programming guru type named ChrisThoman Chris Thoman. Lots of other people were involved testing. The drivers are released as Donationware. It's fairly obvious to me that Chris's primary motivation on this project had nothing to do with money. Since the drivers appear to work flawlessly when installed according to the directions, I would be extremely disappointed if anyone running an XP installation didn't reward Chris for his efforts by making a donation. Face it, his motivation may not have been financial - but there's nothing wrong with showing him that we are all willing to support his efforts with our wallets. 100% of donations go directly to Chris.

The rest of the page contains a lot of scary disclaimers about PARIS under XP. Most of these stem from the fact that the drivers are a third party product. You may also have witnessed months worth of posts about Crash on Exit and be really wary about proceeding, or wonder to yourself if it's worth it to even try. Below are some quotes from PARIS users running on XP. The names have changed to protect the innocent.


Gerry Fallgood, Noshville TN Writes: This is working 100% on my 8 EDS1000, (4)MEC, (4)442, 17 MEC expansion card, multi C-16, word clocked system. As ugly as a Paris setup gets, and this is solid for me. Zero crashes on exit. More stable than Win9x for me so far, testing this new FX setup pack for the last 3 days.In fact, it's so solid that I declare Paris on WinXP as totally ready for prime time. I've just begun working fulltime on XP with 2 Matrox G450 dualheads, 2 UAD-1 cards, removeable Firewire HDs and no problems with ParisXP.

Grog Writes: Thanks Chuck and Chris, I just open and closed paris 4 times and not 1 single crash on exit, I also own all of your plugins from the Mod,EQ, no limit, Peusdo and still no crash on exit. This works everybody, Hurrah

Kim Writes: Thanks Chris and Chuck. Legendary stuff!!

Johnny Writes: CONGRATULATIONS!! CHUCK AND CHRIS!! I have yet to get it going for time reasons, but I have seen AA work with no problems enough to know it is very solid.

Don Johnson Writes: Works flawlessly on my rig. I was not only having COE problems when closing out of a Paris project, Windows would also hang at shutdown and I had to manually shut the computer off. None of these problems now exist after installing the patch. I'd say that the Skunkworks XP package is ready for prime time. Very impressive............and thanks again for all of your hard work!

Before You Start:

Before you follow the actual installation directions below you need to carefully review the next few bullet points and see if you can live with the facts presented:

These drivers are BETA! If you encounter problems with these drivers your only recourse is to revert to an older version of windows. We don't recommend betting your business on them (although with the new effects subsystem installer they seem to be working smashingly). If they don't work there is no option other than posting your problem to

There is NO GUARANTEE that these drivers will work with your system. If they don't work there is no option other than posting your problem to .

These drivers are being provided by a group of PARIS users. You must agree that you will NEVER, EVER contact EMU-Ensoniq for support on these drivers. If they don't work there is no option other than posting your problem to

These drivers are being provided by a group of PARIS users. You must agree NEVER, EVER to contact Intelligent Devices for support on these drivers. If they don't work there is no option other than posting your problem to

BE AWARE that if you begin experiencing problems with PARIS after installing these drivers and do contact EMU or ID they will disavow support because you are now running PARIS on an unsupported operating system. There is no option other than posting your problem to

BE AWARE that even if you do post a problem to there is absolutely no Guarantee that we can provide a remedy.

Installation Process

With all that in mind (and I don't mean to scare you!), if you want to proceed here are the steps you'll need to take:

1. Decide which version of XP to use: XP Home is the best value and can be purchased as an upgrade from Win9X for under $100.


There are two possible reasons why you would choose XP Professional.

If you need multi processor (multi CPU) support
if you need or want your XP box to be able to join a Windows 2000 or NT domain
Since most of us don't require these features, the value choice is pretty clear to me, choose XP Home. It's most definitely not "crippleware" as suggested on some sites.

2. Decide which Disk Format to use for our disks: Here you have a choice between NTFS and FAT32.

SUMMARY : System Drive NTFS, Audio Drives FAT32

Here's what NTFS has to offer.

File Security: Access rights can be assigned to files and directories, allowing users full access, partial access or no access at all to data on the hard disk. I doubt you would need this.
Encryption: NTFS can automatically encrypt and decrypt file data as it is read and written to the disk. It's doubtful that anyone running PARIS would need this, and the performance hit is huge.
Disk compression: File and directory compression can be performed without using any third party software, which saves space, while still allowing for transparent access and operation to the user. Theoretically you could format one of your volumes as NTFS, enable compression and store backups in compressed format. Personal experience leads me to believe that the .paf and .wav formats do not compress by a high enough factor to make this worthwhile
Support for large hard disks: We're talking very large. Try a theoretical limit of 16 Exabytes, and up to 2 Terabytes.
As we don't really need these features the choice to run FAT32 on audio volumes seems like a good one. On the system drive it's probably a good idea to run NTFS because the XP installer doesn't support FAT32 drive volumes greater than 32GB. Drives added after the initial install (like our audio drive) can be formatted to any size.

3. Optimizing your XP install: There are tons of great resources out there. One I like is Keep in mind that for most people XP and PARIS will work well right out of the box. There's no need to go for the jugular when tweaking your machine. In general I would recommend that you simply work with your system for a while and figure out if it meets your needs in a stock configuration. I'm a big fan of KISS (Keep it simple), and hardcore tweaking can make things harder to debug later

SUMMARY: Try the system out before you tweak. If it works for you, leave it alone :-)

4. Install the PARIS XP drivers: Download the PARIS BETA 3 Driver It's a really good idea to print out the install directions and follow them exactly, crossing off each step as you complete it. Many problems reported by users come from improper driver installation.

SUMMARY: Follow the driver installation directions!

5. PARIS Pro 3.0 users: If you plan on installing Paris 3.0, you will need to update the PACE InterLok drivers before installing the Paris 3.0 software. The latest version of these drivers is available on the Internet at: Do not install PARIS 3.0 before you update the PACE DRIVERS!!!.

SUMMARY: Update PACE Drivers before you install the PARIS 3.0 application!

6. Install the PARIS application: When you install the PARIS application it's a really good idea to write down the path the installer is installing the application to now, especially if you are changing the location, or are installing an older version of PARIS. You'll need this info for the next step.

SUMMARY: Know thy path and write it down.

7. Install the PARIS XP Effects Subsystem: This one is fairly straightforward. Download the installer and run it. The installer suggests an installation path for PARIS 3.0. If you are running an older version of PARIS, or have installed PARIS to an alternate directory then you will need to enter the correct path. Here's the rub - if you get this path wrong it's just not going to work. The best strategy is to know exactly where the PARIS executable is, and to get the path right :-) This version of the subsystem is 1.05 (minimum version). Check the site from time to time to ensure that you always have the latest subsystem.

SUMMARY: Know the path to the PARIS executable on your system before you install the subsystem!

8. The moment of truth - Starting the PARIS app: For the vast majority of people this is just going to work. For those with Matrox Video Cards (especially multi head) there may be problems. Don't worry - there are solutions :-) The single biggest problem reported by users is ERROR 7/7. This means that the hardware is not functioning correctly, even though XP shows it as "functioning correctly.

The primary cause of ERROR 7/7 is the PARIS card sharing an interrupt with a video card. Use The System Information tool located on Accessories/ System Tools/ System information and determine if your PARIS cards are sharing IRQs with a video card. If this is the case, and you are getting an Error 7/7 on launch you will need to rectify this. This is done through resource allocation in the BIOS of your PC. There are far too many BIOS variations for me to offer specifics on this, so if you don't know how to do it post your questions to with your specific motherboard and somebody with a similar config can probably help you.

9. New Effects: I get a lot of questions about running my new effects under PARIS XP. If you followed all the instructions and have the latest PARIS XP Effects Subsystem then all the new effects. I don't recommend running the "simple" example plug-ins under any version of Windows and have actually removed them from the site.

10. New Stuff In the subsystem: The new effects subsystem adds some plug-ins to your system. The plug-ins it adds are intended to support other new plug-ins in the future. There's nothing stopping you from using the mono and stereo high res meters that are included with the subsystem, or from using the two wires plugs. I'm not going to talk a lot about these plugs other than to say that neither the meters nor wires is "finished". They include only enough to act as building blocks for other plugs I will be releasing later.


Original document created by ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy, with updates by DougWellington Doug Wellington 09/24/04 and reformatted with hyperlinks by Kerry Galloway 04/07/08. Document is available at ParisFaqs
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