Revision [439]

This is an old revision of SevenSeven made by admin on 2008-04-07 22:22:21.


7/7: Hardware Not Working

Not necessarily in itself bad news. This can be caused by many things, including a poorly seated EDS card.

More information to come as it's gathered, but note the following -

If you are installing the PARIS Windows XP drivers:

Take note of this caveat from the WinXpDriverInstallDoc Windows XP Driver Install manual :

The single biggest problem reported by users is ERROR 7/7. This means that the hardware is not functioning correctly, even though XP shows it as "functioning correctly. The primary cause of ERROR 7/7 is the PARIS card sharing an interrupt with a video card. Use The System Information tool located on Accessories/ System Tools/ System information and determine if your PARIS cards are sharing IRQs with a video card. If this is the case, and you are getting an Error 7/7 on launch you will need to rectify this. This is done through resource allocation in the BIOS of your PC. There are far too many BIOS variations for me to offer specifics on this, so if you don't know how to do it post your questions to with your specific motherboard and somebody with a similar config can probably help you.
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