Revision [203]

This is an old revision of AssertionFailed3 made by admin on 2008-04-05 01:05:54.


Clear all Undo buffers, delete the Loop Start and Loop End markers, increase Disk Cache size and make sure the ppj is *NOT* saved with
Loop enabled

That might do it. Why? Beats me.

Brian T

Kim Webster wrote:

> Hi all, please excuse me if this ground has been covered before,
> but the search facilities of this N.G. ain't what they used to be.
> Since "upgrading" to version 3, I have had an endless stream of
> problems with my projects. Some were fixed by disabling midi playback.
> There remains an annoying bug where if you click anywhere in the area where the midi tracks are supposed to be, the now line in that submix
> gets stuck and will not move untilI save and re-open the project.
> This is not the worst of it.
> A mix that I have spent many hours on has now become corrupted.
> I cannot continue with it, because Is soon as I try to play it,
> I get the following:
> _itptQueProject:Error in queuing project:Error Code: 1879048233/70000029
> or:
> _itptQueProject:Error in queuing project:Error Code: 1879048233/70000029
> or sometimes I don't even get that far and I get:
> *ASSERTION FAILED: aUtilities. c:231 cp!=NULL. after which clicking O.K. causes paris to quit.
> What does this all mean??, has anyone else had this?? Is there anything I can do to get my mix back??, and will I be facing this scenario
throughout the rest of the album??? Version 2.11 was quite stable on my system.
> PLEASE?????
> Kim
> 1200 athlon, 256meg, 60gb ibm, win 98 SE twin 2 cards, 2 mecs,
> direct x v7a blah blah...

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